Zaza Weissgerber is a Munich-based Spiritual Counselor and Psychic Consultant, focusing on helping you awaken your soul’s purpose and empowering you to hone into your divinity.

How My Clients Feel


“Zaza provides you with concrete tools which embolden and compel you to stay the course, even in challenging periods. A well-spring of metaphysical and quantum knowledge, you will revisit your notes often to further distill and reflect upon the information she has imparted.”

— Lucrezia Alcorn | NY


“To portray it most simply, Zaza has made it easier for me to connect to my highest self. I have gone to her during periods of my life where I lacked vision or faith in the bigger picture. She was always able to tell me what my intuition knew deep down, but doubted.”

— Emma Poole | NY


“Zaza is a psychic who also empowers her clients to listen to their own inner wisdom, and that is both rare and valuable. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her services to any seeker.”

— Hannah Skye | CA


“I cannot find enough words to express the transformation that Zaza opened up to me. She told me things that I knew about myself deep down but felt no one else could ever know. Zaza went right into the core of my being and woke something up that had been sitting in me for over 50 years.”

— Victor Verhaege | NY

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The Self must be developed before following
the path to overcoming the Self.
The path to enlightenment is not to avoid the ego.

Every decision we make impacts our lives and every experience is a catalyst for evolving. Just imagine the depth of learning we are all capable of in our lifetime! Most of us are searching to find our place in this world, our greater meaning in life, and to reach new dimensions of connectedness with ourselves and one another.

How do we do this?
By using the power of our heart. The power of love.
Love makes us aware of our place in the world. We feel more connected to the world around us as the sparks and fire within us ignite those around us. We are part of the whole. We are thus already whole. Our Higher Purpose is how we find fulfillment and a deeper meaning in our lives. I can give you tools to help you transform your thinking patterns to set life-changing goals and honor your soul’s purpose. I can teach you how to trust your instincts and give you insight into how you can understand and communicate with the universe! We are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience. As we evolve here on earth, we can feel stuck and struggle to move forward.

The question is, "How do I get unstuck, and where do I start?".

Break through the limiting beliefs that are preventing you from living your best life! Let me aid you in releasing the mental clutter that's holding you back. Overthinking can be challenging to break, but it is possible to replace overthinking with positive habits that help transform how the universe responds to you. The cells in your body respond to your thoughts. Positive thoughts lead to healthy choices and lead to physical well-being. You are the architect of your universe! Understanding, accepting, and loving oneself will bring freedom and inner strength to you, and this elevated feeling can move mountains for you. If you are being called to initiate meaningful change in your life, let’s talk!

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Quantum Fire combines two principles:

• The smallest unit of physical matter (energy) needed to create change, and
• The kindling of a spark within you to create a blazing fire!

I’d love to guide you how you can transform your life.