My background


With 15 years of spiritual mentorships and explorations behind my belt, I know that it is my mission to be of service to humanity, and assist beautiful souls - like yourself - in awakening your soul’s purpose. I am a Psychic Medium, Spiritual Counselor, Certified Holy Fire III Reiki Practitioner, Fine Art Photographer, Certified Art Therapy Guide, and currently pursuing a Ph.D. that delve into the Quantum Physics side of Spirituality. There is no end to the journey. Acknowledging this, I am constantly deepening my understanding and gaining new tools to expand my consciousness even further- with the wish to pass it on to you!

How I work

I function like a radio. I tune into frequencies/energies, receive information, and then transmit them—the information appears by way of visuals, words, physical sensations, and sounds that I see and feel. I am clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairsentient, and claircognizant. I am able to act as a bridge between your Ego and the Source within you! All the information I receive is shared from your Spirit Guides, Angels, Ancestors, Ascended Masters, and your Higher Self. You have a whole team assigned to help your soul attain its greatest potential on Earth. Your 'team' is always there for you; every message you receive will come with valuable tips to help you forge your path forward.

All sessions are conducted via FaceTime, Skype or Zoom.

It is important to me that I can make sessions available to everyone - if you need a financial break on the session price, please contact me!