
60 Min.

Whether you have creative blocks, struggling relationships, encounter repetitive patterns within your life that don’t serve anymore, want to communicate with a loved one, or need guidance in spiritually-conscious parenting, you’ll receive helpful tools and information for your highest good.


30 Min.

This is a great option if you need a quick check-in with yourself. Whether it is a general reading or if you want to get to the heart of any specific topic that has been burdening you, I will give you customized tools to empower yourself and help you find peace in forging your path forward.


20 Min. | Animal Companion

Get a peace of mind about your furry, feathery soulmates. I connect with your living and passed animal companions through psychic and heart-based communication. I will also give you helpful tools to help you connected and - most importantly - stay connected.

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15 min.

If you have one pressing question or need your intuition validated on work, love, and/or finances, you will receive channelings from your Higher Self, Guides, and Angels to help and encourage you.


Mentorship Program

I offer donation-based mentorships!
Do you need help verifying your intuition?
Do you need help expanding your psychic abilities?
Let’s talk!


Abundant Universe Session

Do you know someone dear to you who could benefit from spiritual counseling, but doesn’t have the financial means?

Contact me and tell me about that significant person in your life, why you love them, and how you think a session could be of service to them.

Twice a month I gift a free 1hr session to a soul who wants to make that big step towards embracing a new path!

What you and I can work on in a session:


Your personal development

Contact me for a free consultation to discuss what you may be struggling with or even dream of mastering! Together, we will scope out a session plan that suits you best. Be prepared to be committed to yourself. Be ready to dig deep and bravely face your fears. Fear is simply the unexpected, and the unknown can prevent us from living a life that honors us. But the beauty and growth lie within precisely that. You deserve the best. It's your given birthright!


Business Advisory

Finding the right employees is crucial for any business’ success. Each business is unique, and so is my approach. We will gain a deep understanding of your personality traits and organizational goals to help you identify the perfect candidates. I will help you recognize authentic qualities, seeing beyond the facade, revealing true character and potential. We will predict the prospective employee’s cultural fit to understand how they will integrate into your company’s culture, and foresee long-term compatibility. We won’t just match skills to job descriptions; we will align personalities with your business’ core values and long-term objectives, by ensuring their personal and professional goals align with your mission and future aspirations. You will also learn how to harness the power of your intuition to build a team that not only meets your business needs but also propels it toward sustained success.


Family Wellness

Are you at a crossroads with your child? Is your little one very sensitive to stimuli around them? Do they get agitated when hearing certain sounds? Do they tell you about seemingly crazy detailed stories of things they did that don't make sense to you? Do they talk about invisible friends or past loved ones? Perhaps, they are sleeping terribly or afraid even to fall asleep? The most frustrating part about parenting is not knowing how to help your kids in the way you wish. All kids are highly psychic and unfiltered. By assisting them in confirming their experiences - and most importantly - their feelings, we help raise beautiful souls who will honor themselves in every way. Our kids are so wonderfully unique, and we owe it to them to help them grow in a way that allows them to blossom into positive, light-filled, self-assured beings. Kids aren’t able to quite control what they experience spiritually as they are so highly receptive. As a parent, it is pertinent to assist them in not only regulating their sensory environment but also use tools to help them thrive!

Additionally, we will focus on understanding and improving family dynamics, exploring each family member’s unique personality: Building trust in your children, and guide them in developing greater trust in you. We will look into communicating more effectively suitable to each of your family members which will strengthen bonds and create a more harmonious home environment.


Past Life Channeling

In therapy, you tackle struggles from your current life. But many of those conflicts we are experiencing in this lifetime are from our collective existence (past lives are really just our parallel lives!). It affects how we react to our environment and what paths we choose for ourselves. Past life channeling is an excellent source to dig deep and help you overcome traumas and repetitive patterns by getting to their origin. I access the Akashic Records to gather relevant information to assist in repairing your DNA and clear energetic blocks.