“My experience with Zaza was incredibly unique in that I felt as though she had known me for years. Lifetimes, really. Our session went to the depths of my mind and spirit and the way Zaza was able to truly SEE me, was incredibly striking and immensely fulfilling. Her wisdom and work within our session enabled me to decode myself and my journey through this life in a whole new way. Her clarity, kindness, gentle and intentional spirit brought me such illumination, and I left our time together knowing what I wanted to focus on and hold close to my heart going forward.”

Hannah Corneau | NY


"I am buzzing days after my reading with Zaza! To say she has awakened something within me feels like an understatement. Her gorgeous, generous energy immediately puts you at ease and her wisdom and insight are unmatched. I left our session feeling empowered and truly excited about my future. I can't recommend her enough!"

Rebecca Futterman | CA

“In my session with Zaza I felt incredibly seen and deeply supported. I have no doubt that her intuitions are genuine - so much of what she said resonated and felt true. Zaza is warm and supportive, and talking with her feels as easy as talking to a best friend. Most helpfully, she offered guidance as to how I might more effectively tap into my own intuitions, connect with my guides, and learn to trust myself. Zaza is a psychic who also empowers her clients to listen to their own inner wisdom, and that is both rare and valuable. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her services to any seeker.”

Hannah Skye | CA


“I cannot find enough words to express the transformation that Zaza opened up to me. She told me things that I knew about myself deep down, but felt no one else could ever know. Zaza went right into the core of my being and woke something up that had been sitting in me for over 50 years. I've been through every form of therapy: I'm in recovery from drugs and alcohol, I've done regular therapy, hypnotherapy, rebirthing therapy, acupuncture, and on and on. I have never had an experience like the one I had with Zaza.

She also followed up our session with tools for growing on my journey: tons of material, music that tunes into my vibrational needs, and, more than anything, love. She comes from a place of pure love. There is only genuine desire to help people on their journey. And she has helped me on mine immensely."

Victor Verhaeghe | NY

“I just had the most amazing reading from Zaza! She has great energy, and is the best Psychic Medium I’ve ever had a reading from! I’ve had many before but Zaza is very accurate & gives detail! I was blown away...”

Pam Boosalis | CO

“Zaza has not only helped me discover my own abilities, but has opened my eyes to an entirely new way of living and processing the world around me. She was able to gently push me from my comfort zone, and because of her I now feel validated in my experiences that I would have otherwise ignored. I have a new sense of peace and understanding in relationships with others, and I have learned to honor and trust myself and my life path. Zaza is consistently supportive, honest, encouraging and inspiring. I am looking forward to continue my journey with her as my mentor.”

Ava Pruitt | NY


“I have had the great fortune of being able to connect with Zaza during numerous pivotal crossroads in my life, and while I had some inkling that a session with her had the potential to be transformative, I couldn't have foreseen how deeply profound these experiences would prove to be.

Zaza is a powerful conduit to spiritual realms, past, present, and future— and is exceptionally gifted at helping you to intuit and be in conversation with your spirit guides, which is invaluable in an increasingly clamorous world. Possessing preternatural vision, she helped me to pinpoint the obstacles that had prevented me from progressing on on my journey, as well as pragmatic solutions to overcome my paralysis and stagnation.

Zaza provides you with concrete tools which embolden and compel you to stay the course, even in challenging periods. A well-spring of metaphysical and quantum knowledge, you will revisit your notes often to further distill and reflect upon the information she has imparted. This speaks to the caliber and beauty of her guidance– her sessions serve as mini encyclopedias, deep wells of information that you can pull from when navigating your life.

As someone whose ardent passion and devotion to her craft is palpable, her delivery is naturally motivating, and encourages healthy risk-taking and forward motion. She cares very deeply about who you are and where you're going and how best to navigate that journey with the information she's gleaned from her time with you. I always leave my time with Zaza with a deeper understanding of who I am, and how to manage my life with more ease.

I will continue to seek out Zaza's wisdom and I will, without hesitation, recommend her to others. She is a courage catalyst and a total gem!”

Lucrezia Alcorn | NY

“Within minutes of meeting Zaza, she went out of her way to call out how clearly she could sense my abilities. At that point in my life I had no idea what she meant, and only felt comfortable expressing the powerful ‘gut feelings’ I occasionally had to very close friends. Over the following months, Zaza guided and helped to develop my skills and embrace this new kind of spirituality that has completely changed my life. My sessions with her not only normalized something so foreign to me, but empowered and instilled a sense of confidence that I have never been able to achieve through other traditional means. 

For anyone who can relate and knows those intuitions that can’t be explained, Zaza is an invaluable mentor with a genuine passion for helping others harness their skills, truly honor themselves, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling life that serves our highest good.”

Anna Barrett | CT

“It is hard to imagine my life without Zaza in it. What a gift she is. Since meeting Zaza 5 years ago, my spiritual journey has evolved deeply. In sharing her wisdom, I have come to know and trust my own intuition, and begin to recognize the signs the universe abundantly provides.

Zaza is a gifted psychic medium. I was referred to her through a friend years back, and immediately knew I made the right choice upon meeting her. Zaza made me feel welcome and understood. I could tell that in addition to being highly gifted, she was just a down-to-earth human, able to relate to anyone she spoke to, and grounded in reality. She also made me laugh right away, which helped immensely!

To portray it most simply, Zaza has made it easier for me to connect to my highest self. I have gone to her during periods of my life where I lacked vision or faith in the bigger picture. She was always able to tell me what my intuition knew deep down, but doubted. Through her direct work with spirit, as well as her own empathic skills, she acted as a facilitator for me to understand whatever was happening in my life, in a way that finally made sense. Each session with her led me to navigate my emotions with greater clarity.

Perhaps the most significant reason I’ve continued to go back to Zaza over time, is her accuracy. She has predicted multiple things in my life that have come true- from people I met, to job opportunities, to a significant move. At the time, I of course didn’t think any of this was possible, but seeing it unfold in my life through the years has been truly validating. We obviously make our own choices as individuals, and can’t wait for life to happen, however, Zaza’s guidance has only elevated mine.

I truly believe Zaza is a channel. She was born with this gift and meant to share it with the world. I just feel lucky that we crossed paths! Each time I see Zaza, I gain new insight, which is why I continue to cultivate a relationship with her. On top of all of this, she continues to be hilarious, kind, and extremely relatable. I am grateful for all of the knowledge I've pocketed over the years from her, and I cannot wait for more of the world to experience her gift.”

Emma Poole | NY